Mowing Before and After Seeding | Leveling The Lawn and Seeding | Bermuda Scars LAA26

Today we talk mostly about mowing leading up to aeration and overseeding as well as when to mow after seed has grown. We also revisit the idea of leveling the lawn and can you still seed at this time?
Plus, lawn preaching and relationship building.
#LAA26 #LawnsAcrossAmerica
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Quack Grass Problems | Glyphosate BurnDown Yay or Nay | Seed First Strategy Update | Grass Crowns LAA21

Today we talk about getting rid of quackgrass in the lawn, a clumping tall fescue problem that turns in to a potential lawn burn down, and we revisit the “seed first strategy” and talk about grass crowns and stiff stalks.

Lawn Brown Spots ID | Lawn Disease and Fungus Remedies and Cures | Grass on Slopes LAA20

Most about lawn fungus and disease today, Red Thread, Dollar Spot, Leaf Spot and Melting Out, Gray Leaf Spot and the dreaded Brown Patch. Plus, a Marine buys a house on a slope and we followup with Lenny from Peoria, IL on his Milorganite splotches in the lawn.

Nitrogen Fixers Clover, Baseball Field BackYard Foot Traffic Tips, Heavy Mower on Big Wet Lawn, Splotchy Milo App | LAA19

Lawn tips for summer including strategies to keep a nice lawn while the kids play baseball on it, splotchy Milorganite app results and the truth about nitrogen fixing plants and your soil and lawn.