7 Year Battle Wild Bermuda & TikTok, My ADVICE to CREATORS

Today I talk about ProVista and Viridian St Augustine and how it’s the key to getting rid of and keeping common bermuda out of your lawn. PLUS, I weigh in on the TikTok ban and what creators should do to prepare if this happens again. At the end, I go into the bio-stimulant pack and compare it to the two new offerings of Compaction Cure and Spoon Juice.

Reading Pro Applicators Invoice and Florida Texas Fall And Winter Lawn Tips

There’s alot here this week. I go over a professional lawn company’s invoice and look at the products used. Pretty cool.

Florida winter lawn guide (great for South Texas too)) free PDF download



The Silk Road of Outdoor Power Equipment – Equip Expo 2024

Over the years I’ve noticed a few things about the Equip Expo and in this week’s episode, I take you through my trip this year while exploring the connection from overseas factories to the show floor in Louisville. Let me know your thoughts!


Fall Tips, Winterizers, Seeding Following, Fall Disease – Reacting to AI Generated Podcast and Donna Nails It!

Yes I did upload an ai generated podcast about Christmas Lights. I got carried away with it lol – and in this one, I give out all the standard lawn tips but then take another guide towards the end, feed it to the AI and then react to it. It’s pretty fun and definitely something different.

here’s the winterizer guide referenced:


I can’t believe how good this is! This is an AI generated podcast taken from one of my free e-guides

Playing around with Google’s NotebookLM there is an option to upload a PDF, then it will turn the PDF into a podcast where 2 people teach one another (and the audience) everything they learned from reading it. This is 100% ai generated from my original  PDF on DIY Christmas Lights.

Here is the original PDF if you want to see what they started with and compare it to the podcast “it” created.


I’ve named these people “Bill” and “Donna”

They sound like Bill and Donna to me. Donna for sure is fixated on the glimmer sprays.

Christmas Lights


Nitrogen Blitz And Florida Lawns Dying From TOO MUCH WATER and BONUS Freedom Factory Live Update

Lots of fun this week with a talk about the nitrogen blitz which many of you have been doing already and didn’t even know it!

Plus, seed washouts, keep the fait and lots of talk about how wet it is in Florida and what brown spots look like from the flooding and wet feet.

Thanks for listening and watchihng!

Hit me up on X : https://twitter.com/AllynPaul

Lawn Detective With Me PLUS, Making Bahia Grass Great!

Today we play lawn detective as well as explore strategies for battery equipment companies to survive in changing political landscape.

PLUS, why are there cow patties in bahia grass? Some stuff on late summer disease and seeding too. Lots in this one! thanks for listening.


Lawn Seeding In Fall – All You Need To Know PLUS PROVISTA Preview

All about seeding the lawn in fall – when, how, why and much more, including a look at ProVista Kentucky Bluegrass.

Here the seeding guide I mentioned: (immediate download PDF)


Lawns Across America, The Lawn Care Nut podcast