Street Legal Lawn Care :: What A Paramedic Can Teach Us About Lawn Care Strategy

I interview my dad, a retired firefighter/paramedic and he teaches us the difference in street medicine, and book or hospital medicine. I then take this approach and apply it to lawn care.

To Seed Or No, Pre-Emergents While Seeding, Yellow St Aug, Fescue To Zoysia LAA35

In this episode of Lawns Across America Podcast: Did I say I’d never sell grass seed? Why Is the Seed Rate so low on Kentucky Bluegrass? What if I don’t want to seed? Tall Fescue switching to Zoysia Business advice for a young lawn care entrepenuer Using tenacity/mesotrione with seeding Yellow st augustinegrass and much more

Summer Stressed Lawns Across America – LAA 31 July 2020

Lots of heat stress hitting the lawns all over America right now. Brown spots everywhere. In this podcast we start with cool season lawns and end with warm season. Glad to be back preaching lawn care again for the 2020 season!